SPE NL Workshop: Recent CCS Development Advances & Insights

When:  May 15, 2024 from 08:30 AM to 06:30 PM (CET)
Associated with  Netherlands Section

The SPE Netherlands Section (SPE-NL) is proudly organizing a CCS workshop on the 15th of May 2024 in The Netherlands, with the theme: "Recent CCS development advances and insights."  It is anticipated that the entire Dutch CCS community will attend this event. The SPE-NL Underground Hydrogen Storage workshop hosted on the 15th of February 2024, in The Netherlands, was a great success with over 100 energy professionals attending this event. We expect a similar turnout for this pinnacle CCS event.

FURTHER INFORMATION: 2024_04_29_SPE-NL_CCS_Workshop.pdf


Energy Cave
Kessler Park 1
Rijswijk, 2288 GS


Mike Gunningham