SPE Netherlands Member Meetings
The core of our activities are our member meetings. We host 8-10 meetings every year. Through the SPE's Distinguished Lecturers Program, we are able to offer you the very best technical presentations from all over the world right here in The Netherlands. Local presentations also give you the possibility to get to know a little bit more about what is moving on the peak of technological development right here in The Netherlands.
Member meetings start with a social hour and end with a dinner, nicely encapsulating the technical content with excellent networking opportunities. Typically, the meetings are visited by 30-60 people, including student members.
SPE Netherlands YP Events
The SPE Netherlands Young Professionals Program offers Young Professional members a dedicated programme of workshops, lectures, excursions and general networking events. For those under 36 years of age, who aim to be ahead of the game, broaden their horizon or stay in touch with peers from the industry, we are pleased to welcome you to one of our events.
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SPE Netherlands Black Tie Candlelight Dinner Dance Event
The SPE NL Golf Tournament has been organized yearly since 1985 and is usually hosted in June.
The last years our 'SPE Home Course' has been the 'Oude Maas' golf course in Rhoon.
It is a very well attended event and not only by golfers. The usual after party at the 'Rheesteyn Mansion' owned by hosts Kees and Barbara van Hussen is a party that should not be missed.
Activities for students
The SPE Netherlands Student Chapters host a variety of events for their members. In addition, student members are invited to all of SPE Netherland's events as described above. For information on the student chapter's acitivites, visit the SPE Netherlands Student Chapters page.