SPE Delft Student Chapter

The SPE Delft student chapter is a very active association with the main goal of getting students acquainted with the possibilities within the petroleum industry. We organize a variety of events for our members: lectures with broad and diverse topics, social events, workshops and company visits.

Student members can also join the monthly SPE NL lectures (every 2nd Monday of the month) and the monthly YP NL events (every 3rd Thursday of the month). Besides attending interesting lectures, you also have the chance to meet and talk to (young) professionals. This is the perfect opportunity to network and get a first glimpse of the petroleum industry.

Enthusiastic and curious about our activities? Please visit our website for more information. 

You can also contact us via email: spe.delft@gmail.com

SPE Delft Student Chapter Board

William Horeman - President
Juliette Bruining - Vice President
Bengt Wesselink - Secretary
Ghada Alshaikhmubarak - Treasurer
Esther Zijlstra - Membership Chair
Milad Nadeloo - PhD Commissioner